Code of Conduct

Code of conduct is basically a cumulative record of basic rules and regulations of the university which includes the acceptable and unacceptable is and is not acceptable or expected behavior.
Why Code of Conduct is important?
It outlines the standards of an organization and delivers to all employees the limitations of their behavior relative to their duties to the organization. A well-written code of conduct elucidates the major parameters of the organization like mission, values and principles, connecting them with values of proficient conduct. Codes of conduct or ethics in written can become benchmarks against which individual and organizational performance can be calculated. Moreover, a code is a dominant guide and reference for employees to support day-to-day decision making. It inspires deliberations of ethics and compliance, authorizing employees to knob ethical predicaments they encounter in everyday work. It can also serve as an appreciated reference, helping employees locate pertinent documents, services and other capitals related to morals within the organization.

  1. Code of Conduct for Teachers
  2. Code of Conduct for Students
  3. Code of Conduct for Vice Chancellor
  4. Code of Conduct for Registrar
  5. Code of Conduct for Chief Finance Officer
  6. Code of Conduct for Controller of Examinations
  7. General Code of Conduct for Employees
Code of Conduct for Teachers
  • A teacher shall carry out the genuine academic and administrative conclusions taken by the authorities of the University relating to his/her sphere of responsibility/duties
  • A teacher shall not distinguish against a student on political grounds for reasons of race, religion, caste, language or sex or for other reason of an arbitrary or personal nature and shall not provoke students/ teachers against other students or other teachers, contemporaries or administration/Governing body of the University
  • A teacher shall not remain absent from duty without appropriate sanction of leave excluding the case of emergency
  • A teacher shall desist/refrain from indulging in unempirical publication which would prove to be detrimental to the reputation and the progress of the University
  • A teacher may be allowable to take up consultancy under terms and conditions as delineated in the relevant Statute/Ordinance as amended from time to time. However, he shall not conduct individually or participate in conducting jointly with others coaching classes directly or indirectly. He/she shall not give any to student of the University private tuition
  • Refrain from undertaking any other service and obligation including private tuitions and coaching classes which are likely to interfere with their professional responsibilities
  • Co-operate in the preparation of policies of the institution by accepting various offices and emancipation responsibilities which such offices may demand
  • Co-operate with the authorities for the improvement of the University’s keeping in view the attention and in conformism with dignity of the profession
  • Should adhere to the conditions of contract
  • Give and expect due notice before a change of position is made
  • Refrain from availing themselves of leave except on inevitable grounds and as far as feasible with prior intimation, keeping in view their particular responsibility for completion of academic schedule
  • Must follow the various policies related to HR, Travel, Leave, Research, Social Media and directions issued by the University management on timely basis
Code of Conduct for Students

This Code shall apply to all kinds of conduct of students that occurs on the University premises and any off-campus conduct that has or may have serious consequences or adverse impact on the University’s Interests or reputation.

  • At the time of admission, it is essential for each student to sign a statement accepting this Code and by giving an undertaking
  • That, He/she shall be regular and will complete his/her studies in the University. Students must have an obligatory attendance of 75%. On medical grounds or in any genuine reason the students with a minimum of 60% shall be capable for appearing in the final examinations after submission of valid documents along with one considered by university administration as per policy
  • That, in the event, a student is compulsory to discontinue studies for any genuine reason; such a student may be relieved from the University subject to written consent of the Registrar. As a result of such relieving, the student is required to clear all pending dues related to hostel and university dues and if a student had joined the University on a scholarship, the said grant shall be cancelled
  • That every student will maintain proper discipline, honesty and dignity in the University Campus and will behave suitably with the Officers, Authorities, Faculty Members, Staff Members and other students of the University
  • That in case any student causes any damage/breakage fully or partially to any property, article, equipment, apparatus which belongs to the University, by mistake or intentionally, the University will have all the rights to recover the damages caused by him/her and impose cautionary fine on him/her, and in case of non-payment, University may cancel his/her admission or may take any legal action against him/her
  • That during the complete period of his/her course he/she will not enroll himself/herself for any other regular Course in any other University/College/Institution
  • That he/she will neither spoil in any illegal, unlawful or criminal activity, ragging, malpractice, misconduct, fraud nor will get involved in consumption of liquor, drugs, smoking or any other kind of addiction in any manner in the University premises. In case he/she is found indulging in any of the above the University may take any legal action against him/her
  • That he/she would appear the University in prescribed University Uniform and carry and display his/her Identity Card issued by the University, every day
  • That in case he/she is found travelling in the University Bus without prior permission from the concerned authorities, he/she shall be accountable to pay the transport fee of concerned route for the entire academic session
  • That day scholar is not allowed to stay in the University hostel(s) without written permissions and authorization of the chief warden and senior authorities of the University. In case he/she is found in the Hostel Premises, he/she will be liable to pay one as decided by the University
  • That his/her input in any Dharna / Pradarshan / Strike can lead to strict disciplinary action against him/her including his/her rustication from the University
  • That he/she will park his/her personal vehicle(s) in the University parking entirely on his/her own risk and in case of any mishappening to it i.e. theft, damage, breakage, loss etc. he/she will not claim any recompense from the University
  • That during his/her future visits on any educational/industrial tour or extracurricular activity if he/she sustains any injury or suffer any accident, the University will not be responsible for the same
  • That he/she shall maintain proper discipline, peace and abide by the rules and circulars issued by the University time to time and in case of any default by him/her, the University can take action against him/her including cancellation of his/her admission and debarring his/her entry in the University Campus, Library, Sports Grounds, Mess, Canteen, Reception, Labs ,Workshops etc
Code of Conduct for President (Vice Chancellor)
The Vice-Chancellor Shall:
  • Confirm authentic adherence of the requirements of the Act, the statutes and the ordinances and shall, without prejudice to the powers of the Chancellor, possess all such powers as may be necessary on that behalf;
  • Be responsible for the maintenance of discipline in the University.
  • Have the authorities to summon, meetings of the authorities of the university & committee of which he is the Chairman.
  • Have the rights to attend & speak in meetings of any other Authority or body of the University but not permitted to vote unless he is the member of their Body.
  • Delegate such powers as he may deem necessary to any other staff/faculty of the University.
  • Workout such powers & achieves other function that may be specified by the ordinance.
  • The Vice-Chancellor shall follow to the following philosophies to uphold morals in public Life.
  • Generosity
  • Neutrality
  • Answerability
  • Candidness
  • Leadership
  • The Vice-Chancellor shall support values accepted by the University as listed below
  • Truthfulness
  • Morality
  • Admiration
  • Modernization
  • Brilliance
  • Provision
  • Kindness
  • Freedom of Thought and Expression
  • The actions of Vice-Chancellor should indorse and defend the good standing of the University, and the faith and sureness of those with whom it deals.
  • Decisions taken by him with the consensus of the Chancellor must have the purpose of the advantage of the University, its students, staff, and others with an interest in it, and must be taken with a view to safeguarding the University’s financial health.
  • The Vice-Chancellor shall act for the actual and competent use of resources, the affluence of the University and for safeguarding its assets.
  • The Vice-Chancellor shall encourage the welfares of the University; act sensibly with judicious care, skill, and meticulousness; obeying with all legal errands imposed by law.
  • The Vice-Chancellor shall act generously in the benefits of the University; acting with truthfulness, in good faith, honestly, quantitatively and stays answerable to the purpose.
  • The Vice-Chancellor shall ensure obedience of good ascendency practice and principles.
  • The Vice-Chancellor shall not act for earning at the University’s expense; in a sectioned interest; and shall not misuse the position and authority. Shall ensure acquiescence of good governance practice and ideologies.
  • The Vice-Chancellor shall conduct in a methodical, fair, open and translucent manner.
Code of Conduct for Registrar
  • The Registrar shall have penalizing governance over all employees of the University, including the following, namely
  • Officers of the University;
  • Deputy Registrars and Assistant Registrars;
  • Teachers of the University;
  • The power to take punitive action under clause (1) shall contain the power to order dismissal, removal, decrease in rank or deterioration of an employee referred to in said clause and shall also include the power to suspend such employee during the pendency or in inspection of an inquiry.
  • The Registrar shall be accountable for the due guardianship of the record documents and the common seal of the University.
  • He shall be Ex-officio Secretary of the Governing Body, the Board of Management, and the Academic Council and of every Selection Committee for the selection of teachers of the University without having any voting right.
  • He shall be bound to place before the establishments all such evidence and documents as may be essential for the contract of their business.
  • The Registrar shall also perform such other duties as required from time to time by the establishments but he shall not, by virtue of this subdivision, be entitled to vote.
  • The Registrar shall also
  • be responsible for the proper safekeeping of the Common Seal of the University;
  • be the curator of the property of the University as entrusted;
  • conduct the official correspondence on behalf of the authorities of the University;
  • issue notice for summoning meetings of the Authorities of the University and all Committees and subcommittees appointed by them;
  • The Registrar shall adhere to the following principles to maintain standards in Public Life.
  • Altruïsm & Independence
  • Accountability & Directness
  • Leadership
  • The Registrar shall uphold values accepted by the University as listed below
  • Veracity, Scrupulousness, Admiration & Innovation
  • Superiority, Amenity, Generosity & Freedom of Thought and Expression
Code of Conduct for Chief Finance Officer
  • The Chief Finance Officer shall have admittance to and may require the creation of such records and documents of the University and the providing of such information relating to its affairs as in his opinion may be necessary for the discharge of his duty.
  • The Chief Finance Officer shall workout universal supervision over the funds of the University and shall advise it as regards to its financial policy and perform such other financial functions as may be prescribed by the statutes or the ordinances.
  • The Chief Finance Officer shall
  • hold and accomplish the property and asset of the University including endowed property;
  • be responsible for the grounding of annual accounts and the budget of the University;
  • keep an endless timepiece on the state of the cash, re-payment of loans and advances and bank balances and on the investments;
  • watch the process of the revenue collection and counsel on the methods of collection;
  • ensure that the registers of land, buildings, furniture, equipment, and other stocks are maintained up-to date and that stock -inspection is conducted, of equipment and other consumable materials.
  • bring to the notice of the Vice-Chancellor, unsanctioned expenditures and other financial indiscretions and recommend disciplinary action against persons at fault;
  • call from any office, department, any information or return that he considers essential for the presentation of his duties.
  • The Finance Officer shall adhere to the following principles to maintain standards in Public Life.
  • Selflessness & Objectivity
  • Accountability & Openness
  • Leadership
  • The Finance Officer shall uphold values accepted by the University as listed below
  • Integrity & Honesty
  • Respect & Innovation
  • Excellence & Service
  • Hospitality & Freedom of Thought and Expression
General Code of Conduct for all Employees

The university assumes its employees to foster an atmosphere which replicates the value of thoughtfulness, knowledge, truthfulness, and admiration obeying to high principled morals while execution of their duties. The code of conduct proposes guidance to its employees on the standard of dignity and professional conduct: –

  • Maintain comprehensive integrity at all times.
  • Maintain wide-ranging devotion to duty at all times.
  • Maintain individuality & be unbiassed in the liberation of official duties.
  • Must not be absent without sanctioned leave.
  • Maintain a responsible and decent standard of conduct in private life.
  • Must not indulge in bigamy except permitted in religious personal laws.
  • Must not neglect wife, children, and parent.
  • Must not employ child labor at home.
  • Render considerate services to the public.
  • Maintain political objectivity.
  • Keep away from protests organized by political organizations.
  • Catchphrase themselves and their family from joining any organization that involved in rebellious/unlawful activities.
  • If arrested, must inform his/her superior in the office.
  • Avoid consumption of intoxicating drinks & drugs in office, in public place or at home.
  • Must not travel abroad without information to the university and must not express any interpretation on Indian or foreign affairs while visiting foreign countries.
  • Must not express any view injurious to the interest of the nation & dominion and truthfulness of India; public order and ethics.
  • Must not take private consultancy work.
Poornima University Campus

Established by the Rajasthan State Legislature and approved by the University Grants Commission under Sections 2(f) and 12(B)

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